Every bit of safety improvement is worth going all out. NIO ET9 creates active and passive integrated smart safety through intelligent system and architecture innovation, escorts innovation leaders, and pushes the safety protection of executive flagships to a new level. Follow @伟来, forward and comment on which safety design of ET9 makes you feel most at ease, and we will draw one friend to give away the NIO Life Super Model Cup. #伟来ET9大胆想有為#
每一点安全提升,都值得全力以赴。蔚来ET9通过智能系统与架构创新,打造主被动一体的智慧安全,为创新引领者保驾护航,将行政旗舰的安全守护推向全新高度。关注@蔚来 ,转发并评论ET9的哪项安全设计最让你安心,我们将抽取1位朋友,送出NIO Life超模杯。#蔚来ET9敢想有为#